MCC LoRaWAN Library allows you to create your end devices for communication in a wireless network standard LoRaWAN
The company Microchip Technology Inc. published MCC LoRaWAN library version 1.0.0 beta. This library allows for end LoRaWAN Class A 1.0 specification devices with the support of European (433MHz and 868MHz) and American (915MHz) frequency bands.
The library is installed as an addition to the Configurator code (MPLAB Code Configurator, MCC). MCC LoRaWAN Library allows you to create a project to source code under the 54 types of 8-bit PIC16 and PIC18 controllers of Microchip, including PIC18LF46K20, established in LoRaWAN RN2483 module.
Thus, the developer has the ability to both create their LoRaWAN device based on PIC controller and transceiver LoRa, RN2483 and reprogram the module and add the code to empower radio module RN2483.
Minimum requirements LoRaWAN library for PIC microcontroller:
32 Kbytes of program memory;
2 Kbytes of RAM;
SPI interface, optional GPIO port is required for the CS (chip select) signal to the MC with support functions redirection pins (Peripheral Pin Select, PPS);
6 GPIO ports with interrupts enabled (external interrupt or an interrupt on a change of state);
1 GPIO port to control the reset input LoRa transceiver.
Detailed information about the current version of the library is available at:
The library is available for download from the page of the configurator MCC Code (Tab Current Download, Software section of the Libraries Microchip is LoRaWAN): .
Delegates MASTERS in 2016 had the opportunity to practice to get acquainted with the configurator MCC code and learn about the basic features LoRaWAN library. If you need more information, assistance in the development of MCC configurator code and working with libraries or have other questions - please contact our technical specialists.
Just remember that the work of the configurator code MPLAB Code Configurator will be one part of the upcoming training.